15th Annual Fish Fry & Cake Auction

Check out the video from the event!
The 15th Annual Fish Fry and Cake Auction are coming up on May 3. We are especially pleased with this date for it allows guests to go down the street to the city's free concert at the head of Main Street afterwards. A great evening of food and entertainment.
Advance tickets are now available for the Irving Heritage Society 15th Annual Fish Fry to be held on Friday, May 3 at Heritage Park, 2nd and Main Street from 5:00pm to 7:00pm. Past guests have put their “seal of approval” on this delicious meal and fun evening. The event will include a silent auction of cakes as well. Fish fry tickets are $12.50 in advance or a limited number of $15 at the gate. Tickets for children 3-8 years are $5. Children 2 years and under are free. Advance tickets are available at Big State Fountain Grill at Main/Irving Blvd., Joe’s Coffee Shop, Heritage Society board members or by calling 972-252-3838.
Tickets may also be purchased clicking on the DONATE link.